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Air Temperature (1.5 m)

Submitted by jthornton@meso… on
Variable ID
Variable Type
Standard - Primary
Variable Category
Air Temperature
Standard Units
degrees Celsius (°C)

The 5-minute average air temperature at a height of 1.5 meters above the ground.

  • This sensor is quite rugged and accurate. Prior to 2009, the sensor was housed in a naturally-ventilated radiation shield. Such shields can create temperature errors of several degrees Celsius when the wind is calm (less than 1 m/s) and solar radiation is high.
  • Since 2009, the sensor is housed in an aspirated radiation shield, which continuously draws ambient air over the sensor, while protecting it from solar radiation.
± 0.5 °C
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe (2017–present)
Thermometrics Air Temperature (2004–2017)
Vaisala HMP35C (1994–2003)
Sensor Image URL
Sensor Image Alt Text
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe
Sensor Image Caption
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe