The OK-First certification class is a free 4-day class held at the National Weather Center in Norman. The class is also offered as a 6-week self-paced online class. 6 certification classes are offered each year including 2 in-person sessions (1 in the spring and 1 in the fall) and 4 self-paced online sessions. The certification class is open to public safety officials wanting to become OK-First certified. This class is not open to the public. Certification classes feature a mix of presentations by meteorologists, hands-on data interpretation labs, tours, and other activities.
Class objectives are to:
The Oklahoma Mesonet is able to provide a limited number of attendees with travel support to the class (per diem and hotel). Agencies must be located 60 or more miles away from Norman to be eligible.
The OK-First certification class is worth 24 hours of Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) credit for participating officials.
The OK-First re-certification class is a free 1-day refresher class held at locations across Oklahoma. The class is also offered as a 3-week self-paced online class. Approximately 10 re-certification classes are held each year and occur during late winter and late summer.
The purpose of the OK-First re-certification class is to provide certified OK-First participants with continuing education opportunities. Unlike the OK-First certification class, training content in re-certification classes changes from year to year and can include topics such as: training on new tools/websites, re-visiting fundamental topics, training on new weather data/radar products, applying concepts to recent weather events, and more.
All OK-First members are required to take an OK-First re-certification class no less than once every 2 years. Failure to comply with this training requirement results in a loss of certification and OK-First data access.
OK-First Re-certification classes are worth 6 hours of Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) credit for participating officials.